Tuesday, December 9, 2008

Beautiful Words

It seems when I'm busiest, my blog posts become reflections of random ideas or words that have reached me through the busyness, not always having the time to explain my reasons. Every moment of my days are filled with prayers for my friend and his family. Lifting them up to God for His healing and strength. In the midst of these days, I'm aware of a loving Presence with me.

Sometimes beautiful words catch our attention unexpectedly whether through movies or books, reaching that part of us that needs to hear and believe them. While watching the movie "Prancer" the other night, I heard the quote "there is a veil covering the unseen world which not the strongest man, nor even the united strength of all the strongest men that ever lived, could tear apart. Only faith, fancy, poetry, love, romance, can push aside that curtain and view and picture the supernal beauty and glory beyond. Is it all real? Ah, Virginia, in all this world there is nothing else real and abiding." For some reason, those words broke through and gave me encouragement to BELIEVE. That truth lies underneath and over and beyond everything we see in this world.

I just finished reading my second book by Harold Bell Wright, called "The Calling of Dan Matthews". The book was full of gentle words and strong truths. I need these moments of quiet reflection, of being wrapped in another world, drawing some of the beauty into my own world. One of the quotes that was a gift to me is this, " ...do you think that anyone could ever replace the mountains, the ocean or the stars, or any of these wonderful things in the great universe, if they were to be destroyed? ...And do you think that anything in all this beautiful world is of greater importance- of more value to the world-than a human life, with all its marvelous power to think and feel and love and hate and so leave its mark on all life, for all time? ...Then don't you see how impossible it is that anyone should ever take your place? Don't you see that you have a place in the world-a place that is yours because God put you in it, just as truly as he put the mountains, the seas, the stars in their places? And don't you see why you must feel that you have a right to your own life-place, and that you must hold it, no matter what others say, or do, or think, because of its great value to God and to the world? And...do you think that anything in all the universe is dearer to the Father than a human life, that is so wonderful and so eternal in its power? So life should be the dearest thing in all the world to us. Not just the life of each to himself, but every life-any life, the dearest thing to all. I think this was true of Christ; I think it should be true of all Christians. I believe this with all my heart."

And so, I pray this could be my gift to you today, these words to take with you. I guess it's time to get on with my day, of sweeping the floor, washing dishes, shopping for and preparing some food, hearing about my kids' day at at school, having a new crown put on my tooth, and heading off to work this evening. Through it all, I'll remember these things I have pondered and carry them with me.

Love to all


  1. I like what you said about truth! What a lovely way to think of how to view the world!

  2. Thank you so much for your words today Karen. They touched my heart with greater understanding to live the life God has given me with joy.

    hugs and love, Phyllis

  3. Thank you Karen for sharing such a wonderful thoughts and truths.

    And you know, when im busy, revelations came popping and i'm blessed for the truths God set in my heart.

    Life is beautiful!!!

    God bless you!
