Monday, April 1, 2024


 It didn't seem that long since the leaves on the Sugar Plum tree in my front yard had held on for too long. Fall had passed and winter was beginning to bring its' gray skies. Still the leaves held on, failing to turn their usual bright orange and yellow, falling star shapes across the grass in my front yard.

Now, new green buds were beginning to bloom, ready with spring's green leaves. The winter was long and dreary, colder and grayer than most. Still the time flew so that it didn't seem as though it could actually be spring!

I bought bird seed and filled my bird feeder, hoping to enjoy the neighborhood birds as they traveled from tree to tree. It brought me joy as they alighted on the little blue bird house with white shutters, filled with seeds. 

My cats wandered in and out of the front door, enjoying these first signs of Spring, but skittish at the sound of cars. My usual contentment faded at times, not that I didn't trust God to provide, but feeling somehow that I didn't belong. . . not in my usual sense of belonging in all the many places in my life.

What does that mean? Could change be around the corner? My ducks are not in a row yet, my plans are not falling into place. . . but even so, I trust in my God who loves me and provides.

My God will meet all of your needs according to His glorious riches through Christ Jesus.

Phillipians 4:19